Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School works closely with children and parents to promote positive attendance so that each child can achieve their full potential.
All children of compulsory school age (five to sixteen) must receive a suitable full-time education. Once your child is registered at school, you are legally responsible for making sure that they attend regularly and on time. If your child fails to do so, you risk getting a penalty notice or being prosecuted. You should also consider the negative impact upon the following:
- their learning
- their friendships
- their self-esteem and confidence
Not sure whether your child is well enough to come to school? Click here for more information.
At Hethersett Woodside, we operate an ‘if in doubt’ policy. If you are in two minds whether your child is well enough to be in school, send them in and we will call you to come and collect them if needed.

Holiday in term time
Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we cannot as a school, authorise holidays in term time. If you are planning a holiday in term time please fill in a ‘Leave of Absence from School’ form to request permission. Our attendance team and headteacher will then discuss the request and write to you with their decision.
Please remember that unless there are EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES it is very unlikely that we can authorise the absence from school during term time.
If the request for absence during term time has been declined and you still decide to take your child out of school then you may receive a fixed penalty notice from Norfolk County Council.

Thank you for working with us to promote excellent attendance and positive learning and well-being outcomes.